Monday, July 20, 2015

Grit & Resiliance: Disney; Lasseter; Jobs & Jordan

Got to love these stories of resilience:

Walt Disney once got fired for being "uncreative."  Things turned out okay.

John Lasseter got fired from Walt Disney for being "too far out there."  Lasseter then went on to become the Chief Creative Officer at a little studio called Pixar.

And Steve Jobs got fired from his own company!  This freed Jobs up to invest some time and $5M to keep Pixar afloat during the lean start-up years. 

Lastly, Michel Jordan was not the "chosen one" growing up.   Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team as a sophomore. 

Work with your student-athlete on grit.  Grit doesn't guarantee future success but it sure seems like a necessary ingredient.