Saturday, July 25, 2015

Coaching Up the Parents: Concussion Management

Coaching Up the Parents, Part V

Concussion Management

Training:  Encourage parents to hold us coaches accountable.  Parents should ask if the child’s coaches are trained in concussion management – identifying symptoms and following “return to play” policies.

Education: Parents are absolutely responsible for learning about concussion management to protect their athlete.  Provide parents with concussion resource material.

Align Goals:  Parents must be aligned on what sports their child will play.  Especially when it comes to contact sports like football.  There are a lot of team sports to choose from.  Parents should listen to the spouse’s or ex’s concerns about what sports they are comfortable allowing the child to play.  And listen to child – don’t “force” him (or her) to play a contact sport like youth football.  It is not worth it.  Football is not the place to “toughen up.”