Thursday, July 23, 2015

Coaching Up the Parents: Align Goals & Ego

Coaching Up Sports Parents, Part III

Aligning Goals and Ego

Ask Questions:  Encourage parents to ask their child why he or she wants to play sports.  Parents should align their goals to the child’s goals (not the other way around.)

Check the Ego: Parents need to suck it up - do whatever it takes to create a positive, aligned set of expectations with the spouse or ex for supporting the youth athlete.  Check the ego.  Too many parents equate “bleacher status” with the quality of their parenting.  Do what is in the best interests of the youth athlete.

Who’s Experience?: Remind parents that this is their child’s sports journey.  Parents shouldn’t use this experience as a way to relive past glories or make up for lost time. Married with Children’s Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game!  Yes, and?