Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Coaching Up the Parents: Pre & Post Game Routines

Coaching Up the Parents:  Pre & Post Game Routines

Pre and Post Game Routines

Pre-Game Preparation:  This one is counter-intuitive.  But parents should discuss the bad things that can happen regardless of effort. Help the athlete develop coping skills and reduce game day pressure by explaining that mistakes can happen, will happen, but mistakes are just part the process and are not the end of the world.
Post-Game Review: Remind parents to leave some breathing room before offering up ideas for improvement to the youth athlete.  As coaches we’ve all seen the parent barking at their kid after the game before they even reach the car!  Parents should ask questions about improving areas the athlete can control – effort, focus, teamwork, etc.  Asking anyone to improve in areas they cannot control just leaves them frustrated and demoralized.

Parents’ Support:  The best pre and post-game role for sports parents is to provide support to the athlete.  Be the safe haven for the youth athlete away from the field.  Let the coach do the coaching while parents keep the athlete motivated to stick with it and improve on last game’s performance.