Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sports Mom 101: Mental Toughness & Student Athletes

Developing Mental Toughness in Youth Athletes

Bad Game Protocol.  An effective pre-game routine is to discuss specific “worst case scenarios” with your student-athlete and talk about how they will respond.  Working through possible worst case scenarios beforehand and accepting that mistakes will happen can reduce game-day pressure and anxiety.
Also, create space between a bad performance and post-game life lessons.  Let the sting wear off before offering constructive ideas for improvement.  Too many times I see parents replaying their son’s mistakes after a game before they even get to the car!  Give it 24 hours before having that conversation – the player will be less defensive and more receptive.  Ask open-ended questions in areas the player has control over and can improve upon like effort, attitude, intensity, concentration, and being a good teammate. 

Having these pre and post game routines is an effective way for sports mom to support her youth-athlete.
More sports parenting tips available in my sports parenting guide, "Zero Offseason" now @