Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting "Present" - Control the Controllables, Part I of II

Getting Present – The “Controllables”

The most common trait of mentally tough athletes is the ability to “get present.”  And this skill takes deliberate and repeated practice so it becomes a habit.  And once it becomes a habit it requires constant attention to avoid the slide back into worrying about external factors. 

The best example I’ve ever seen of “getting present” was Michael Jordan in game 5 of the 1997 NBA finals against the Utah Jazz.  Jordan came out on the floor with the flu and a 103 temp.  He literally took over the game and destroyed the Jazz with 38 points while fighting passing out on the floor.  Jordan “got present.”

When “present” the athlete focuses on process-oriented goals rather than outcome, channels energy on what they control, and settles into a game-mode mind set where instincts are allowed to run the show (the zone).

So what is the trick?  Easy to say, not so easy to do.  How does an athlete get present?  One useful exercise to use is a concept called “Thought Stop.” 
“Thought Stop” works like this:....to be continued...