Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The ABC's of Divorced Sports Parents

The "ABC's" of divorced sports parenting:

* Align Goals - Parent to parent; parents to coaches; and parents to student athlete. 

* Best Interests Standard - Divorced parents play a lot of game with the parenting plan and child support.  Use the default position of making decisions that are in the best interests of the student athlete.  Busy sports schedules will cut into parental time, especially for the non-custodial parent with summer camps and practices.  Be willing to give up parental time in the best interests of the student athlete.

* Control the Controllables - You can't control your ex's bad behavior.  And following the best interests approach won't somehow change how they behave and the games played in divorced co-parenting.  So whatever the issue - figure out if it is something you can control and is worth burning calories over to solve.