Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Parents Parent...and Coaches Coach

Parent – Don’t Coach.  Players play, parents support, and coaches coach.  Simple rules yet complex roles.  Sports mom won’t agree with every decision the coach makes.  You may not like the coach, the style of play or personnel decisions.  But if you trust the coach with your child’s physical and mental welfare then please allow the coach to coach - they earned the title “coach” through many hours of unpaid time on the field away from family, paying and traveling for coaching education and studying game film on the weekends. 

If you want to work with your child at home on technique definitely speak to the coach ahead of time and find out what technique to teach.  But remember the best way to be effective is to let the coach do the coaching and for parents to play the supporting role – be the emotional backstop for your child and provide unconditional support and encouragement for the ups and downs of youth sports.
More sports parenting tips in, "Zero Offseason" now available @