Friday, March 6, 2015

Youth Football - Offseason Drills & the "Shiny Object" Syndrome

Game Situation: Every drill you practice in the offseason must directly apply to a game situation.  If the team runs a west-coast offense with three-step drops and quick passes, it doesn’t make sense to focus on running deep post routes and verticals all offseason.  Every drill should serve a purpose.  Explain the “why” behind every drill and how the skill learned applies in a game situation. 

There is an infinite number of offseason drills and a lot of coaches and sport-parents get sucked into a bad habit of running drills that have zero application to the team’s actual scheme.  The majority of those drills may not apply to what you should focus on.  Keep it simple.  You only need a few drills – avoid the “shiny object” syndrome.  Lots of drills look neat.  But if it doesn’t apply don’t use it. And again, this goes back to good communication with the coach.  Find out what to focus on in the offseason.

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