Sunday, February 16, 2014

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit | Video on

The key to success?  Grit.  Nice 5 minute TED video from Angela Lee Duckworth on why "grit" is such an important trait to develop for long-term success. 

When working with your youth athlete on mental toughness overcoming adversity, "grit" is probably the most important skill set to focus on in the offseason. 

How to develop grit?  Make sure your youth athlete channels their energy into areas they have control over - effort, attitude, intensity, teamwork.  "Learned Helplessness" pops up when an athlete fails and does not see a way for them to change future outcomes - as a result they are more likely to quit.  On the other hand, when an athlete fails but believes that they can take steps to change future results this provides hope and a template for where to channel their energy. 

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit | Video on